Week 24 – Final Blog
From participating in this module I feel I have developed my
social skills through team working, the first assignment in this module was a
group report and presentation. Through carrying out this assignment with people
I barely knew I definitely feel like I’ve developed my team working skills
through working as part of a team to do the assignment. We had to organise to
meet up and delegate the roles between us, organise how to put the work into
one piece of work and how to make it read like one. So I have definitely
improved some of my interpersonal skills.
The most challenging blog for me was the performance management
blog, I struggled writing it because I missed that lecture and don’t feel too
comfortable with the subject. It’s not as long or detailed as the others, so I
definitely feel that was the most challenging blog to write.
I have enjoyed this module and met some new friends through
it, I also feel like I did quite well in it. So there’s nothing that I think
needs changing.
All 15 posted well done!